Did You Know? 

Did you know there is funding available for businesses affected by the coronavirus? It sure is!

We recently received an email from our investment broker at The Lighthouse Wealth Management Group with some valuable information. The message stated, “In response to the COVID-19 situation, through several legislative acts, small businesses may be able to obtain federal relief in the form of loans and grants from the US Small Business Administration (SBA)”.

The news about the Coronavirus (COVID 19) Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources was such a relief for our organizations, which already lost hundreds of thousands in revenue as a result of this crisis. Sadly, many of our staff had to file for unemployment to maintain their way of life, care for themselves, and loved ones.

Others have no other choice but to stay home to care for families affected by the virus and can benefit from government stimulus.

The financial relief under certain circumstance does not require the loan to be repaid and can provide significant asistance for struggling companies affected by the pandemic and business interruption.

I assumed other small and large companies may not be aware of the resources available by the Federal Coronavirus Relief Bill (CARES Act) and felt it was necessary to share the information.

Funding Resources 

As an effort to encourage businesses to do their part to keep themselves, employees, and customers healthy, the government officials have implemented the following programs to provide relief:

Small Business Administration (SBA) Dedicated Sites:

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has established a dedicated site that provides details about the latest legislative provision as they are passed. Below is information on how to apply, contact information, the available loan details, and resources to support organizations during this pandemic and economic hardship.

Final Thoughts

Please note we are keeping everyone in our thoughts and prayers and are confident we as a nation, through government and global initiatives, can and will put this pandemic behind us sooner than later. We have to be committed to each other do our part, stay in-tuned to pertinent information, and share the knowledge so that we can all be of better assistance to each other.

We are in this together and can overcome together.

As always, ladies and gentlemen, I am Semone Blair-Walker, committed to helping you look and live your best life, mind, body, and spirit.

For more information on how you can win in life, define your purpose and goals in life, visit my website https://www.meobachi.com/.

You may also obtain a copy of my bestselling book; HOW CAN I WIN? UNLOCKING THE BLUEPRINT TO PERSONAL SUCCESS there as well.

Be blessed always,


“There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.” —J.R.R. Tolkien




23,224 Responses

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