This book has given me confirmation regarding things that I have been learning within the past few months. One of them that the author discusses is that our minds are like computers that need to be reprogrammed in order for us to reach levels that seem impossible to reach. I have read a few self help books that give you step by step instructions on how to be successful. The difference between those books and this one is that Semone shares her life experiences and details how she applied the principles discussed in the book to achieve her goals. How Can I Win is helping me to change the way I view myself, my present life, and future life. I am now writing down and speaking how I want my life to be. I am learning to trust the process and not worrying about how what I have written and visioned is coming to me. Semone has opened up her life to the reader. Her story has allowed me to realize that if she can win then, I can win too.
2018 ..... is this the year when ordinary people do extraordinary things?.... How can I win by Semone Blair Walker is a book that epedonizes black excellent. She was very lucid as she walk us through her journey as an adult. Being an avid reader who have read many book in the genre, I can say without any hesitation that this is one better written book I have read. Her story was captivating yet inspirational. We can all agree that we can relate to aspects of her journey because we have being there ourselves.
This is a book that I have recommended to my adult daughters ( ok I have went ahead and bought them their personal copies... ) so if you are in the market for well written, inspiration book that appeals to your every emotion then look no further.
Socrates once said “an unexamined life is not worth living” your life have embodies that quote because you have being tried and tested...... Well done my Sister.
Great evening!!! You have been on my mind almost all day! I promise you, every time I speak, it is now nothing but positivity, your book goes EVERYWHERE with me!!! I just watched a video that my sister (Dana) shared that you posted and everything I felt about you in my spirit by reading your book was confirmed by each individual that spoke about you. I'm not going to explain where I am in life right now but just know, I am so full...I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a beautiful, soft, and gentle spirit. Thank you for being obedient when it came to this book. I can see my future so clearly now. I have learned to put an exit strategy in place as well as a plan to move me into the next phase of life. Since reading your book, I have a sense of surety, humility and knowing that I'm on the right track and I'm not crazy. I know I don't know you personally but I swear I love you. Again, thank you for sharing yourself with the world.
I'm at Chapter 11 and really appreciate sister Semone sacrificing her time to document and share her journey with us. Many of us have solid ideas on the concepts to reach our goals, but subconscious fears serve as impediments to reach our potential. I intentionally do not make clear requests to God or myself about certain aspirations...why do I do this?? I know [or so I think] the answer and "How Can I Win?" is just another poignant highlighter about the difficulty or I'd say in my opinion, the justification to NOT perform the required decluttering for my destiny. To rationale why being comfortable for practical reasons is survival to being a responsible parent and the thought of an uncomfortable career, life decision or calculated risk is tantamount to stupidity...that's me! But Semone reminds us about those pesky thoughts that really define our life's outcome. I deem myself a positive person, with largely healthy thoughts, but I KNOW I daily kill my own dreams because I cannot clearly see my purpose. I know conceptually what I want to do, but I am constantly in search of a specific, infectious, yet meaningful purpose to really see that goal prosper. After all, it has to be worth my generational pass-down to really move the needle forward. My vision is skewed by my own imagination.
This is an awesome read. It captures the writer's inner-most spiritual growth as well as an open mind and soul. Absolutely wonderful. I can totally relate in many ways. Blessed.
A well-written book that will provoke you to self- reflect. It will make you ask yourself the hard questions of where you are in your life and provide a blueprint of possibilities to help navigate you through the process.
This is an Amazing Book.It seems like once you started reading it you could not stop. it almost seems like I was dreaming and that this was my story. Awesome Book!
This is a great book on how to win at business, love and life. There are so many golden nuggets to live by summed up in one book! I've read a lot of motivational books, yet I still learned something new in this book. Read it!
This Book is amazing!!! And should be a must read for young women and men everywhere! With each chapter, you are captivated by the author's honesty and words of wisdom. There are also breaks in some chapters with places to take notes and answer questions!! So we’ll written and will truly speak to your spirit! There isn’t one chapter where I didn’t shed a tear! I will definitely be referring this book to all my friends and loved ones!
How Can I Win is a unique and amazing book that everyone can relate to and find ways to improve their life in multiple ways! It is much more than a self-help book. It is a blueprint for success as Semone Blair-Walker exposes her incredible personal life journey of overcoming rock bottom hardship to an abundance of success, wealth and prosperity. She walks us through her spiritual journey and describes the process in a manner that we can all relate, then offers ways to improve all aspects of our own personal journey. Semone’s personal testament to love, forgiveness, struggle, kindness, spirituality and ultimately success will keep you glued to each page wanting to read more and more. I highly recommend this eye-opening personal journey, testimony and success story to friends, family and co-workers as a way for them to win in all facets of life especially those who are ready to change, fight and ultimately win in life right now!
Amazing evening Semone, I want you to know what you may not have been told before, or told only too infrequently: that You are an amazing being with amazing God-given capacity. I am so proud of your most recent accomplishment, author of a motivational book .. I am very grateful for our relationship and the sisterhood we share. Your motivational talks, support and wisdom has helped me with my journey with my new endeavors. I wish you God’s greatest blessings and again congratulations on your continued success....
Semone's book "How can I win?" Have really impacted my life. I am someone that never thought I'd end up in a homeless shelter. When you look at the background it didn't add up. My counselor gave me the book to read and in a short period of time I began to dream again.Semone's past was similar to my life in raising my son , relationship issues, and self defeating thoughts. This book has stirred me up and motivated me to get back into the race. I am not a quitter and I thank Semone for sharing her life story to remind me that I can win also. God bless you my sister....
So, it took me about 2 weeks to read How Can I Win and I was confused as to why because it normally take me 1 to 3 days to complete a book. Someone I know asked "do you not like the book?" I'm like yes, I love this book. I first ordered on kindle. The first couple of pages got me so I ordered the book. Long story short as the book came to an end, I realized it took so long because I didn't want the book to end. This was a great book, it truly spoke to my soul. Thank you 😍
I love your book! I received it as a gift from my niece, Tawana. Shout out to Tawana for sharing this treasure 😘! I have been inspired in so many ways. The section on not allowing preconceived notions of what our opportunity should be or look like cause us to miss our chance was life transforming for me. This encouraged me to seize every opportunity and amazing things are unfolding each day. Thank you so much for being faithful to your vision. 🌠
Hi .....Thank you . Thank you for the book. Thank you for your words. Thank you for sharing your story but more importantly thank you for showing your strength. I purchased your book at the essence festival . I didn’t pick it up until a week later and I caught myself not able to put it down . When I did put it down I was eager to pick it back up . The doubts .. the struggles.. the tips on how to overcome it and turn it into your power . I’m grateful. 🙂
I call myself a “bookie” because I love to read but... I don’t like self help books. I wasn’t successful with completely reading that type of book because I felt they were tedious, drawn out, and redundant. This book was recommended to me by someone that doesn’t make a fuss over things so I decided to give it a try. I read the except from the website and something resonated with my spirit. I was intrigued so I went against my normal pattern, and purchased the book. To my surprise, this isn’t a self help book. It’s has been a blueprint for me to help me get to the place mentally that I always knew I could be. “How Can I Win”, along with, the timing of God, the Word of God, the confirmation in my spirit to make some adjustments, and the evidence that someone out there that looks like me and had similar circumstances to mine was able to branch out and experience a purposeful life has caused my life to shift in a major way. I’ve been telling people that this book has been my activator. I highly recommend it to EVERYONE who’s wanting to go to a higher level in faith.
What can I say about "How Can I Win?". Phenomenal! This book is a must-read buy ladies, men, young-adult, adult, teenagers and the lIke. I could not put this book down. I completely read it in its entirety in one sitting. The thing that drew me In from the onset is the fact that I personally know Semone, and I have often wondered how does she do it? How is she so successful? How has she gained so much in such a short time period? All of my questions were answered as I read this wonderful book. There was no magic wand. It was pure perseverance grit determination and faith in God. Thank you Simone for giving us a view into your secrets of winning. Thank you for reminding me that there is a purpose in my life and it's up to me to claim it and to fulfill it and to seize every opportunity to cultivate it! There is so much more that I can say about this wonderful documentary of your life. I cannot wait to read the next volume. Thank you for giving us an insight into your trials, your tribulations and your triumphs!
Win...Win...Win...Win I can't stop bragging about this one. I have read my friend Semone Blair-Walker entire book that was just released Saturday and I can't sit still! Ready for the next one. This book will turn all your maybe into I Can
Wow can't put it down! A must read especially for young women and men struggling for that peace within and how to fulfil their dreams of being successful business people. Some great life lessons and how to overcome those obstacles that are preventing us from being happy and content individuals
Wow can't put it down! A must read especially for young women and men struggling for that peace within and how to fulfil their dreams of being successful business people. Some great life lessons and how to overcome those obstacles that are preventing us from being happy and content individuals
How Can I Win? is one of the most powerful spiritual enlightenment books I've ever indulged in! Semone not only shares the life gems to a happy, healthy, & prosperous life - but she has the receipts & proof of purchase through all she's endured. Life had her pinned under a mountain of setbacks. However, her faith, will power, and audacity to envision the absolute best - enabled her to manifest a luxurious lifestyle on the mountain top of love and success! A must read for anyone who truly wants to WIN at the game of life
I had a major burst of happiness the day I received a call from Semone Blair Walker, informing me that she was having her book release signing in a few days. To say the least, I couldn't be more excited and thrilled for her, because I am familiar with her story... her journey. And, if anyone deserves success, she does. I met her almost twenty years ago, just months before she opened her first hair and beauty salon. And for a good portion of those years I was privileged to be one of her clients and I sat in her styling chair almost weekly. It wasn't just about getting my hair done; it was the entire experience. I looked forward to my hair appointments because I also knew that I my soul would be enriched by her wisdom. There were priceless moments of coaching and counseling from her during those moments when my life became more than a battle. Semone is a gifted, beautiful, and exceptional woman who believes strongly in the human spirit. Not surprisingly, her new book, How Can I Win? Unlocking the Blueprint for Personal Success, is a testament to that. A labor of love, she wrote the book with us in mind. She shares her life struggles and triumphs with her readers. It is indeed a blueprint to help others to achieve their personal success, as well.
I met Semone through some of my own writing activities and had the opportunity to review early versions of her first book, How Can I win? No exaggerating—before even finishing her book, I was inspired to hang a giant dry-erase board on the wall and started writing out a vision for my life! Semone is a challenging, inspiring personality with a life full of amazing stories of trials and triumph. She is confident, hardworking, and if you have a dream, she wants you to achieve it! Her accomplishments, combined with humility, gratitude, and infectious optimism, have changed the way I think about my goals.
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